Friday, December 13, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

To all the people who say, "At least you don't have cancer."

To all the people who say, "At least you don't have cancer."

A Friends Mother:
So what do you want to do when you leave school.
I want to be a teacher or a diabetes educator.
A Friends Mother:
Why a diabetes educator?
I have diabetes.
A Friends Mother:
Wow that must be hard.
Yeah it is...
A Friends Mother:
You know I had a friend whose son got a brain tumour. He recovered, was in remission and the cancer is completely gone. 6 months later her daughter got diabetes and you what my friend said to me? She said it was worse for her daughter living with diabetes then it was for her son getting cancer.
*And that what people don't understand, that diabetes is a life sentence. We don't have the option of remission or definitive answer. There is no cure. We don't have peace of mind. Our battle is never ending.

My moment....

So... i was high so i took some insulin.. then i was moving around and i went low and now... oreos and im all sweaty......


Thursday, December 5, 2013

.....a cure?

So... this seams crazy.... but... what do you think?
Regenerative Cellular Therapy is using proteins and peptides specifically for the pancreas to normalize the immune system. The proteins and peptides we use cause the islet of Langerhans and beta cells to return to their normal function. As the islet of Langerhans and beta cells begin to function normally they start the production of insulin and or higher quality insulin. When this process is completed the organ begins functioning normally, and the patient recovers their health.
I don't know. Here's the link to the page and the video.. its really sketchy....

Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Knowing the costs.

Did you know that most people with type one have annual medical costs of around $11 THOUSAND while the normal not diabetic will have around $2-3 thousand


Does any one else think it's BS that we pay an extra $8 thousand a year. 


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hate pricking your finger?

So this smart guy just created this thing that you test with saliva, not blood.........

A Little Help from my Friends?

Hey guys! so.... wondering if you will help my out here.

For one of my finals i am typing a paper about Diabetes and the unique challenges of College students who have it.

If you are a college student with Diabetes or know some one who is tell me about it!

1)When were you diagnosed/ who do you know with diabetes?
2)What unique challenges have you/ your loved one had while a college?

That's what i need to know!


Stress and Finals and Diabetus!!!

This is going to be short and sweet.

Things that raise your blood sugar:
More Food...
a thousand other things...

Watch your levels this week!

Its almost finals...

need some advise read this article from the ADA website!

Now... back to typing papers!!

Best of luck my Friends!

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Sorry It has been a few days, yay for holidays!

Did you eat anything good for thanksgiving?

Well, i did!

Turkey and potatoes and gravy and don't forget the stuffing!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Changing my site

Thought I would share this with you!

Daily Doings.

Hello all!

Today has been an ok day.

Work, then a nap now laundry.

So, today i needed to change my site and my cartridge. Well, i was horsing around and... my site got ripped out. and i had 10 units left it takes 17 to fill my tubing. so... what am i doing? taking a break because i don't want to change everything yet. I just want to sit, watch tv, and pretend im not diabetic for a few minutes. So, that's what i am doing.

I think i will just sit here until my boyfriend yells at me.


im the mean time...

im hungry.


what to eat?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

the next step.

As we all know there is more and more technology come out for those of us on an insulin pump. 

We have things like:
Want to see these all compared to each other? Click here.


Here's something new. 

The Next Step towards a bionic pancreas.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Meme Time :D Enjoy!

A day in the life.... of me!

Well, not much exciting diabetic news today. Mostly just me venting about my life. Oh, Oops. I should take insulin. Here's my problem. As a college student i go all day sitting eating running from class to class, pulling my hair out going crazy and can never remember to take insulin. I mean... come on. How am I supposed to remember to take insulin for the snack I eat as I run from class to work then to my other job?!?! I don't eat at the same time everyday and I don't have the same routine every day. The only thing I do everyday is get dressed. and I only do that cuz I could get arrested other wise.....

Ugh. I still haven't taken any insulin. hehehe. I think I will break out the ice cream and watch a sappy movie. that's the mood I am in.

Whats movie....

I love Netflix.

So. moral of my little story here. Take your insulin. or remind your loved ones to when your with them. :D

For now enjoy this picture of me with a mustache pen.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Something cute this way comes


There is a new nano technology that will change your diabetic life FOREVER!!

I have wanted to get a tattoo for a long time and with the research that MIT has been doing me getting a tattoo will be more than just some cute design it will be able to tell me my blood sugar.

Here's the low down from an article released by MIT
The researchers plan to create an “ink” of these nanoparticles suspended in a saline solution that could be injected under the skin like a tattoo. The “tattoo” would last for a specified length of time, probably six months, before needing to be refreshed. 

To get glucose readings, the patient would wear a monitor that shines near-infrared light on the tattoo and detects the resulting fluorescence. One advantage of this type of sensor is that, unlike some fluorescent molecules, carbon nanotubes aren’t destroyed by light exposure. “You can shine the light as long as you want, and the intensity won’t change,” says Barone. Because of this, the sensor can give continuous readings.

So.... I will be keeping an eye on this and will be keeping you informed. YAY!

My Story.

Just over  years ago I got diagnosed with MODY diabetes. It sucked. A lot. But, things have gotten a lot better. As far as medication goes I have been on everything in the book. Not to mention the fact that I tried every dosage of said medications. Four different pills then insulin. But first the pen, now I am finally on a pump. I love my pump. I have the T-slim touch screen pump.

The one thing I could never have survived with out is a support system. My family and friends are the most supportive people in the world. My mom has type one and she has been there through everything. The first few months I spent every night crying my self to sleep. and she sat with me and cried with me. talk about mother daughter bonding. she taught me all the tricks of the trade. She has gone to (almost) every drs appointment. When I got my pump she helped my with everything. She drives me crazy but I love her and she has been the most supportive person in my life.

The main other supportive person in my life is by boy friend. When I first got to college trying to balance eating right and school work and checking my blood sugar and everything else was crazy! Then about two weeks in i met this amazing guy who, upon finding out I have diabetes made it his mission to make me feel beautiful and help me handle college life. He has been the center of my college support system. 

Diabetes sucks. I'm dealing with it. I'm dealing with life. I do think the best thing anyone can do is find a wonderful support system of those who love you.